Vishuddhi Chakra: Maintaining a Safe Space


trust flows.


Soul, mind, body. That’s how I was raised.

The most common covid mask is blue, like the vishuddhi chakra, a widely recognized symbol of our healthcare industry that covers our mouth, our most common tool for communication. Our words need to be filtered more, although we have the freedom of speech.

Our words need to be medicinal, healing, instead of the poisonous dosages we’ve been hurling at each other for years.

That is not to say “cancel” anything, muzzle emotion, or normalize silence. It is only a reminder to be more precise, to clear the blockages of inflammation that occurs when we grieve, to create a healthy channel through which understanding may flow.

The vishuddhi chakra in it’s most basic understanding is the the “throat chakra.” Jalandhara bhanda, quite difficult and sometimes dangerous to master, is the most effective yogic form of accessing this energy center.

Sarvangasana — shoulder stand may be the most popular posture to practice. In such a vulnerable space, the body ought to be fully alert, the mind fully focused and the soul fixated on trust. To enter the posture safely the soul, first, ought to be fixated on trust.

sia barnes