Gogo Yoga?


IG flow.


Hip-hop’s not for the tender-headed. Go-go’s not for the faint of heart.



i been robbed, seen blood on the floor, had a knife pulled on me. It's not the music tho. The music is the pocket of peace amid a terrible violence that is the creation of a capital city.

The music is a blend of diverse sounds because biodiversity is the foundation of nature. Learning to work together for life, liberty, happiness is the foundation of a band. Of a sound that has done its due diligence to integrate even the instrumental "voices" of the Spanish crown that commissioned Cristobal Colon (born Cristoforo Colombo) to rape, murder, kidnap and enslave indigenous men, women and children.

go go is the voice of forgiveness. The war call for a battle with Self (atman). The dance, the vibration that awokens our chakras. From the rooter to the tooter.

From the calls for calm from the lead mic (our third eye, throat chakras) to the drum beat that "mimics" the heartbeat (anahata chakra) in a city that was silenced by slavery, imprisonment, food + healthcare deserts. To the twerking (bottom three chakras) and the beating of feet that grounds us on a ground where we don't belong. We belong.


Straight outta Kemet. To Goa (in India, where Colombo was supposed to go). To Amerigo (the Italian who recognized we weren't in Asia). We belong.

Mind you DC got home rule in the 70s, we're still shaping up. DC don't have the right to vote in Congress yet. DC is still editing our best practices for inclusion, for survival, for purpose in a homogenizing world of some 7.5 billion people. DC deserves to have go go as its official pathway to peace.

That's why the Nationals sounded Chuck Brown when they brought the World Series home. That's why Chuck performed for DC Statehood on the lawn of the Capitol. That's why i wrote a petition in the 90s and rallied the private school jawns to commission go go as the official sound of our fundraisers at one of the top educational institutions in the nation.

We belong.

Good luck today. Or, better yet, G-d love today. Because energy is neither created nor destroyed, merely channeled. And we shall always stay tuned. Bebe's Kids.

sia barnes